..be a light…


How the sun breaks through the darkness …. just like that, we should be light for our fellow human beings….

… So much poverty, suffering, sadness, injustice in the world

….be a LIGHT….

We as ASN want to be a light, for those who are forgotten … who need the help most and where no one else helps.

We cannot help everywhere, but is it not, who saves a man, saves the whole world. We would like to do it like Mother Teresa does, always start with one person.

Would you like to be a light for someone?

So you can help us:

ASN stickers: https://asn.help/?page_id=736

ASN Austria: https://asn.help/?page_id=576

ASN Germany: https://asn.help/?page_id=579

Donations by purchasing: https://asn.help/?page_id=744

Membership: For further information please contact: asn@sbg.at

Thank you for your help!

Q-Bild: ASN.hp 2011

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